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Another amazing 'walking leaf' species with an uncommon light yellow color variation! Most of these come bright green, but just like real leaves, they can be yellow, orange, brown, or even red! Imagine this guy [actually this is a female...] slowly swaying with the wind up in the treetops of tropical Indonesia. It is said the first European explores to see them actually thought they were real leaves that moved! The camouflage is so complete that other 'walking leaves' have been observed nibbling each other! Notice the incredible likeness to a real leaf, down to the bud-like head and wings with leaf-like veins. A true example of God's amazing creativity!
This yellow variant is set in a wonderful wood frame that really compliments the specimen!
Set on acid free watercolor backing and behind authentic 'Tru-Vu' UV blocking museum glass!

Walking Leaf in Exquisite Wood Frame

Excluding Sales Tax |
  • Species: Phyllium pulchrifolium [Walking Leaf Insect-yellow female]

    Location: Java

    Frame Size: Aprox. 7 1/2 in. X 9 1/2 in.


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